DSC 40B – Theoretical Foundations of Data Science II

Problems tagged with "breadth first search"

Problem #105

Tags: breadth first search

Consider running a breadth-first search (BFS) on the graph shown below, using node \(s\) as the source and adopting the convention that neighbors are produced in ascending order by label.

How many nodes will be popped from the queue before node \(u_8\) is popped?



Problem #106

Tags: breadth first search, shortest paths

Suppose that a breadth-first search on an undirected graph \(G\) is paused and the queue is printed. Suppose that every node in the queue is either distance 5 from the source, or distance 6. At this moment, node \(u\) is undiscovered.

True or False: it is possible that node \(u\) is distance 4 from the source.



Problem #107

Tags: breadth first search

Suppose a breadth-first search (BFS) is performed in order to calculate a dictionary of shortest path distances, dist, from a source node \(s\) to all nodes reachable from \(s\) in an undirected graph \(G = (V, E)\).

Suppose node \(u\) is a node in \(G\), and \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) are two neighbors of node \(u\). Assume that \(u\) is reachable from \(s\).

Part 1)

What is the largest that \(|\)dist[v_2] - dist[v_1]\(|\) can be?



Part 2)

What is the smallest that \(|\)dist[v_2] - dist[v_1]\(|\) can be?



Problem #108

Tags: breadth first search

Define a circle graph with \(n\) nodes to be an undirected graph \(G = (V, E)\) with nodes \(u_1, u_2, \ldots, u_n\) and edges \((u_1, u_2), (u_2, u_3), \ldots, (u_{n-1}, u_n)\), along with one additional edge \((u_n, u_1)\) completing the cycle. An example of a circle graph with 6 nodes is shown below:

What is the time complexity of breath-first search when run on a circle graph with \(n\) nodes? State your answer as a function of \(n\) using asymptotic notation.



Problem #109

Tags: aggregate analysis, breadth first search

Consider the code below, which is a modification of the code for bfs given in lecture:

from collections import deque

def modified_full_bfs(graph):
    status = {node: 'undiscovered' for node in graph.nodes}
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if status[node] == 'undiscovered':
            modified_bfs(graph, node, status)

def modified_bfs(graph, source, status=None):
    """Start a BFS at `source`."""
    if status is None:
        status = {node: 'undiscovered' for node in graph.nodes}

    status[source] = 'pending'
    pending = deque([source])

    # while there are still pending nodes
    while pending: 
        u = pending.popleft()
        for v in graph.neighbors(u):
            # explore edge (u,v)
            if status[v] == 'undiscovered':
                status[v] = 'pending'
                # append to right
                for z in graph.nodes:   # <----- new line!
                    print(z, status[z]) # <----- new line!

        status[u] = 'visited'

Notice the two new lines; these lines print all node statuses any time that an undiscovered node has been found.

What is the time complexity of this modified modified_full_bfs? State your answer in asymptotic notation in terms of the number of nodes, \(|V|\), and the number of edges, \(|E|\). You may assume that the graph is represented using an adjacency list.



Problem #110

Tags: breadth first search

Consider calling full_bfs on a directed graph, and recall that full_bfs will make calls to bfs until all nodes have been marked as visited.

True or False: the number of calls made to bfs depends on the order in which graph.nodes produces the graph's nodes. That is, if nodes are produced in a different order, the number of calls to bfs may be different.

True False


Problem #116

Tags: depth first search, breadth first search

Let \(G = (V, E)\) be an undirected tree.

Suppose breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS) are each run on the graph using the same source node. True or False: for any node \(u\) in the graph, the BFS predecessor of \(u\) and the DFS predecessor of \(u\) must be the same.

True False


Problem #127

Tags: breadth first search

Suppose a BFS is run on the graph below using node 1 as the source node. Which node will be the BFS predecessor of node 8? You should use the convention that neighbors are produced in ascending order by label.



Problem #128

Tags: breadth first search

Suppose a ``2-chain'' graph with \(n\) nodes is constructed by taking \(n\) nodes labeled 1, 2, \(\ldots\), \(n\), and, for each node \(u\), making an edge to nodes \(u + 1\) and \(u + 2\)(if they are in the graph).

For example, such a graph with \(n = 7\) looks like:

Suppose BFS is run on a 2-chain graph with \(n\) nodes, using node 1 as the source. What is the time taken as a function of \(n\)? State your answer using asymptotic notation.



Problem #136

Tags: depth first search, breadth first search

Suppose both BFS and DFS are run on the same graph \(G = (V, E)\) using the same source node. Assume that \(G\) is a tree. Consider a particular node \(u\) in the graph. True or False: the BFS predecessor found for \(u\) and the DFS predecessor found for \(u\) must be the same.

True False


Problem #151

Tags: breadth first search

Suppose a breadth first search (BFS) is run on the graph shown below using node \(u_4\) as the source and the convention that graph.neighbors produces nodes in ascending order by label. What will be the predecessor of \(u_6\) in the BFS?



Problem #153

Tags: breadth first search

Suppose a breadth first search (BFS) is run on a graph \(G = (V, E)\), and that node \(u\) is distance 5 from the source while node \(v\) is distance 3 from the source. True or False: it is possible that at some point during the BFS, both \(u\) and \(v\) are in the pending queue at the same time.



Problem #164

Tags: breadth first search

Suppose that every edge in the weighted graph \(G\) has weight -5. True or False: breadth first search on this graph will compute a longest path from the source to every node in the graph (that is, a path with greatest possible total edge weight).

You may assume that every node in the graph is reachable from the source.

